Zhůří u Rejštejna, Klatovy dist., Plzeň Region

Deserted Modern village ‘Haidl’ with a part of ‘Gold Trail’

(18th cent. to 1952)

View from the deserted village Zhůří over the Šumava Mts.

View from the deserted village Zhůří over the Šumava Mts.

Photo D. Dreslerová, 2013.

The Early Modern village of Haidl was founded by German colonists at the turn of the 18th century on one of the most adverse upland plateaus of the Šumava Mts. at an elevation of around 1,000 metres. Houses were distributed along the important route – the ‘Gold Trail’. The settlers earned their living by working in the forest, agriculture, cattle grazing and by performing unskilled labour in the nearby glassworks. Until the Second World War, the village had more than twenty houses. As a consequence of the transfer of the German population, the village was shortly occupied by newcomers from Slovakia and Romania, but in the 1950s was deserted and gradually demolished by the Czechoslovak army.

References: Schaller 1786; Kintzl 2005; Čejka 2006; Nedvěd 2008; Kubů – Zavřel 2009.

Navigation points: N 49°05'00.95", E 13°33'24.28".

Map notes: A – location of the Chapel of St Wenceslaus (Václav); 1–57 – houses (building lot numbers are given). Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.

Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.

Archeologický atlas Čech – Zhůří u Rejštejna
Nedvěd, P. 2008: Z historie Horské Kvildy [online]. [cit. 2014‐07‐22]. Dostupné z: http://horskakvilda.eu/is/ historie/horskanedved.htm.