Heršpice, Vyškov distr., Southern Moravia Region

Deserted medieval village Konůvky

(14th–mid-15th cent.)

Overall view of the site.

Overall view of the site.

Photo A. Knechtová, 2015.

The deserted medieval village of Konůvky was probably established in the course of the 14th or in the 1st half of the 15th century. It is a two-rowed forest village (Waldhufendorf) grouped around a brook and a simple fortified manor. The village was deserted in the 2nd half of the 15th century at the latest. In the 1960s–70s, a game preserve was established in its area, which preserved the remains of the village from destruction. About 33 farmsteads were grouped on both banks of the brook; the preserved ground plans stem from three-room houses. A fortified manor stood south of the village, consisting of a residential tower and oblong building as well as a paved court yard leading to bread ovens. The church and the cemetery were situated on a terrace above the village; south of the village, the remains of a 'motte' with a ditch have been found. The earthworks are still well visible in the ground. An educational trail with information panels leads through the site, advisably to be visited during the dormancy period.

References: Šaurová 1973; Měchurová 1997, 2002, 2015.

Navigation point: N 49°05‘24.44“, E 16°57‘58.42“ (deserted village).

Map notes: A – village; B – remains of a fortified manor; C – bread oven; D – church with graves; E – 'motte'. Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.

Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.

Sto zajímavých archeologických lokalit Moravy a Slezska – Heršpice
Šaurová, D. 1973: Typické domové půdorysy v zaniklé středověké osadě Konůvky na Slavkovsku, Archeologické rozhledy 25, 83–86.pdf