Zálezly u Čkyně, Prachatice dist., South Bohemian Region

Prehistoric hillfort ‘Věnec’

(650–400 BC)

Small natural rocks linked by a stone rampart.

Small natural rocks linked by a stone rampart.

Photo Z. Kačerová, 2014.

The monumental ‘Věnec’ (‘Wreath’ in Czech) Hallstatt Period hillfort is situated at the edge of the inhabited foothills of the Šumava Mts. Its massive fortification consists of an acropolis and an extensive annexe. The whole enclosed fortified area covers nearly 8 ha. The ramparts are made of stone walls attached to natural rock blocks at a number of places. Due to the limited excavations and a small number of finds, we can only speculate on the function of the site. It most probably served as an occasional refuge or gathering point of local people rather than a permanent residence.

References: Dubský 1949; Beneš J. 1994; Čtverák a kol. 2003; Kuna a kol. 2004; Slabina 2005.

Navigation points: N 49°05'55.77", E 13°52'14.55".

Map notes: A – natural stone ‘bastion’ known as ‘Lookout’ (‘Vyhlídka’) or ‘Great Rock’; B – acropolis; C – bank; D – doubled part of the outer fortifications; E – original entrance to the acropolis; F – spring lined with stone. Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.